Cabeza de Moog Review

This year Fughu very good Argentine progressive rock group metal ( although in many respects is close to being a very powerful neo – progressive) , introduced 2 new disks, part of the same concept , saga called ” Human” , a large work with large orchestral and choral arrangements , and sung in English.

Thus, the binomial ” Human ( the tales )” and ” Human ( the facts )” ( this disc is only part of what would be a double album but released separately ) , in addition to an excellent production , artistic and technical level , I say I displays quality in each of its track that rises several levels when compared to their previous album , and therefore also choose to ” Human ( the Facts) ” ( the album I heard , I still pending another ) as one of the albums of this year. Definitely going to listen to another album in the series ” Human” soon.

It is interesting to note that while we can categorize this album as ” progressive metal” actually shun the rules adopted for this genre , you were your cliché , and clichés , which are various and for those who spend almost all bands of this style. Well, at least with this album , forget the clichés . In addition , features guests such as Damian Wilson ( Threshold, Ayreon , etc. . ) And Jeff Kollman ( Cosmosquad , Glenn Hughes, etc. . ) .

From the start , with mourners atmospheres created especially for keyboards and vocals ( the Pain of Salvation ) and early operatic developments soon flood the album just beginning to listen , look what we predict that listening to the live music does not try to look like anything or anyone else and seek your own path.

The music is full of variety , with a prolific singer and deployment strange that takes much of the music, and the voice is one of the elements of this album sobresaientes , utilizanda to reach operatic and epic climax that make the album as original and really interesting.

In itself , the album is a progressive rock with a metallic sound , surrounded by opera intentions and an aura of classical music with rock influences imbued 70s but with a modern and contemporary sound , with the magic that emit creations that spring from where the best artistic works. Both albums are based on profound and far-reaching concepts , referring to aspects of the human soul , to create an eclectic , dark , progressive , modern , moving and burning music. Almost like a rebel and nonconformist response to disposable music in MP3 format (which may also be very human ) music.

The album is solid and does not make sense to discuss any particular song , while the virtuosity of each musician is undeniable, but the music is not structured according to the individual capabilities of each of the musicians, and the album is dominated by melodies and highly dramatic and emotional arrangements.

With a story that begins like all stories : a woman , and framed by cryptic lyrics , characters defined by their own personalities and their complexes , accompanied by dense climates keyboard , theatrical intentions always near a style of operatic singing , always forming emotional harmonies … and as I do not know what the fuck you say more , I leave some other reviews (all I found are in English, sorry gordy ) to see if others are convinced that this album is great, if I could do …

Cabeza de Moog